
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Creative thinking...

So this morning as I was checking the level of water in the gallon container that we use for the coffee maker (I run water through a Brita pitcher to filter it), I knocked out a jar of marinated artichokes. I thought, hmmmm...what besides dip can use this for. Now, I've been thinking about this for awhile but, how fun would it be to have a party, ask each guest to bring their favorite type of food, whether it be their favorite cut of meat, maybe someone brings their favorite vegetable, a jar of peanut butter, it doesn't really matter as long as it's something they love to eat, and I help them create a meal for us to enjoy with the items they bring. I just want to show people that you can create something delicious with the items you have in your pantry. You don't have to have fancy tools, fancy spices, fancy vegetables or special cuts of meat. I can help you create a tasty meal with a few items, doesn't take alot of time and with no stress. Well, hopefully no stress, I typically make a mess in the kitchen when I cook :). I have a notebook full of recipes I've created and hopefully by next summer I'll be ready to talk with a publisher about a cookbook! Anyway, back to that jar of artichokes, I am planning on making a chicken casserole tonight for supper, that jar of artichokes may just make it's way in there! It will be a new recipe so I'll get that posted soon. ~Fran~

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